The Quick Sale tab in HitPay's Point of Sale software on desktop and mobile allows merchants to charge ad-hoc payment amounts without attaching inventory to the checkout sale. This can be done via web dashboard or via Hitpay POS app.
The remark field allows merchants to add a description or invoice number that would help with payment and order reconciliation.
Using Web Dashboard
After entering amount, click the Charge button and you can select any of the payment methods displayed.
Note: If you have purchased a card reader/terminal from HitPay, you will view the card reader option displayed under available payment methods:
After successful charging of any payment, you will be given the option to send email receipts:
Using HitPay POS App
Enter the amount then click Charge button to see the payment methods available for use:
Once you have chosen the payment method, you will be prompted to add customer details and any tax, discount, and/or tip settings:
After payment has been completed, you will be prompted with an option to email, print, or text SMS receipt to your customer: