After receiving an order from a customer, HitPay merchants will receive order confirmation notifications via email and push notification on the HitPay mobile app:
To fulfill the order/mark the order as completed, follow the steps below:
Step 1. Navigate to Online Store > Orders from the HitPay Dashboard:
Step 2. Select the Pending tab:
If you have multiple pending orders you can use the additional filters on the right side to filter by order ID, customer email, customer name, products, date of order, total amount, fulfillment status, and payment status.
Step 3. Click on the order to view the details:
Step 4. Click on Mark As Shipped/Mark as Picked Up button:
Enter the shipping tracking details in the Update Order Status dialogue, select Mark as shipped/Delivered and hit the submit button.
Pro Tip: You can also use this function to provide order status updates to the customer prior to shipping. Please ensure you do not select Mark as shipped/Delivered to provide order status updates:
Step 5. Your order has now been marked as fulfilled/completed:
Step 6. Your customer is notified of the order completion by email: