The transaction report has all the information you need for every payment you process via HitPay payment gateway.
Understanding the Transactions Report
Above is a sample transaction report that can be exported from your HitPay dashboard. Here are the different information that the report may contain:
- ID - states the Transaction ID of the payment
Channel - states whether the payment was made via Payment Gateway or Point of Sale
- payment gateway - payments made via e-commerce plugins and APIs, Payment links, Online store, and Invoicing
- point of sale - payments made using the Point of Sale feature via Web or POS app
- Plugin - states what plugin was used for the payment
- Plugin Reference - states the corresponding reference ID of the plugin used
- Method - states the payment method used
- Status - states whether payment is successful, voided, or refunded
- Additional reference - states the reference ID of the payment from the payment provider
- Order ID - states corresponding Order ID if payment was for a website checkout
- Customer Name - states the customer's name
- Receipt Recipient - states the customer's email address and where the receipt can be sent to
- Remarks column - any additional description for the payment
- Products - states the products ordered for the payment
- Currency - states the currency used to charge the payment
- Charge amount - states the transaction amount based on the original currency
- Refunded amount - states any refunded amount
- Cashback - states the cashback amount if applicable
- Cashback fee - states the cashback fee amount if applicable
- Converted Amount - states the converted amount to home/default currency
- All Inclusive Fee Amount - states corresponding transaction fee in home/default currency
- Net Amount - states the net amount of transactions after fee is deducted
Payment Details - states the payment method details
- All Visa and Mastercard payments from cards issued locally will be considered domestic card payments
- All American Express payments, and Visa and Mastercard payments from cards issued outside of home country will be considered international card payments
- Completed Date - states the timestamp when the payment was completed
- Store URL - states the website URL where the payment was made
Understanding the Transaction Fee Computation
Our pricing per payment method per country can be found here. This will be the basis of all transaction fee computations.
The main columns to consider when computing the transaction fee are Channel, Method, Charge Amount or Converted Amount (if payment is made in foreign currency), and Payment Details.
We will be using the following transactions for our sample fee computation:
1. The details state that the payment was made via payment gateway using PayNow online amounting to 300 SGD.
- Based on these information, we know that we will be using the PayNow fee under Payment Gateway:
- Computing the fee would be $300 * 0.65% + 0.30 arriving with the fee of $2.25, resulting to Net Amount of $297.75.
2. The details state that the payment was made via payment gateway using Visa Card issued in SG amounting to 119.60 SGD.
- Based on these information, we know that we will be using the Domestic Card fee under Payment Gateway:
- Computing the fee would be $119.60 * 2.8% + 0.50 arriving with the fee of $3.84, resulting to Net Amount of $115.76.
3. The details state that the payment was made via payment gateway using Shopee Pay amounting to 25 SGD.
- Based on these information, we know that we will be using the Shopee Pay fee under Payment Gateway:
- Computing the fee would be $25 * 3% arriving with the fee of $0.75, resulting to Net amount of $24.25.
4. The details state that the payment was made via payment gateway using Visa Card issued in JP (Japan) amounting to 10 SGD.
- Based on these information, we know that we will be using the International Card fee under Payment Gateway:
- Computing the fee would be $10 * 3.65% + 0.50 arriving with the fee of $0.86, resulting to Net Amount of $9.14.
5. Merchants are able to record Cash payments via Point of Sale (Web or App) without incurring any transaction fee
6. The details state that the payment was made via payment gateway using Amex Card issued in SG amounting to 390 SGD.
- Based on these information, we know that we will be using the International Card fee under Payment Gateway:
All American Express cards are considered international cards
- Computing the fee would be $390 * 3.65% + 0.50 arriving with the fee of $14.73, resulting to Net Amount of $375.27.
7. The details state that the payment was made via Point of Sale using Mastercard Card issued in SG amounting to 1.01 SGD.
- Based on these information, we know that we will be using the Domestic Card fee under POS:
- Computing the fee would be $1.01 * 2.5% + 0.60 arriving with the fee of $0.62 resulting to Net Amount of $0.39.
- Note here that the transaction status is Refunded but the transaction fee is still incurred. This is because the transaction was still initially processed successfully and the fee was automatically collected by our partner providers at the point of transaction. Transaction fees are irreversible even if a full refund is processed on payments.
8. The details state that the payment was made via Point of Sale using Mastercard Card issued in Japan (JP) amounting to 90 SGD.
- Based on these information, we know that we will be using the International Card fee under POS:
- Computing the fee would be $90 * 3.65% + 0.60 arriving with the fee of $3.88 resulting to Net Amount of $86.12.